Timelessness gay nifty

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Don't miss the neglected gem 'Miracle Titty-Gro.' Ann is famous for her F/F, M/M, and bi fiction and her alternate takes on comic book heroes and heroines (and their creators.)Įrotica by Morgan Preece, aka Erin Halfelven, some romantic, some humorous. This popular author's catalog now resides at ASSTR. Gay fiction by a prolific Italian writer, with some stories translated into English. The dark side of sex, featuring non-consensual BDSM, snuff, vampirism, horror, and rape. X X Ītmospheric BDSM fiction in an elegantly designed site.Īndroid, freeze, and MC stories, with females as the victims. I've left some fanfic listings where they originally were, however, because they are more mainstream or fetish in nature, and thus more likely to appeal to the average (non-fannish) reader. Since the collectives listing was all fanfic, I've integrated it into the fanfic category. Note that I have recently (September 2005) separated out the author and archive fanfic/original slash/yaoi sites because of the growing popularity of these genres it reflects my bias as a reader as well. I review, edit, and correct these links when I have the time.

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